-ARTEMIS-POC algorithm can identify more than twice as many patients eligible for Myocardial Infarction direct rule-out as compared to ESC or ACC pathways, while maintaining patients safety, according to a study published in Lancet Digital Health journal in October 2024.
-It was a retrospective study, which included patients from the US and from Australia.
-Over 2.5k individuals were enrolled (42% females, median age of 58 years), prevalance of MI was 6.5%, STEMIs were excluded.
-Safety and outcomes of heart attacks direct rule-out by this algorithm were compared to ACC and ESC 0 h pathways using Point of Care high sensitivity Troponin I levels.
-The safety measure was a composite of heart related death and incidence of a heart attack at 30 days follow up.
The Authors' INTERPRETATION in full: 'The patient-tailored, medical decision support ARTEMIS-POC algorithm applied with a single POC hs-cTnI measurement allows for very rapid, safe, and more efficient direct rule-out of myocardial infarction than guideline-recommended pathways. It has the potential to expedite the safe discharge of low-risk patients from the emergency department including early presenters with symptom onset less than 3 h at the time of admission and might open new opportunities for the triage of patients with suspected myocardial infarction even in ambulatory, preclinical, or geographically isolated care settings.'
- Link to the article below:
Dr Bart regularly consults patient with chest pains in his clinics, which are located in Basingstoke, Farnham, London and Winchester. Early recognition and management are key to preventing more severe complications and improving the quality of life for heart patients. Dr Bart as a private heart specialist always puts the interest of his patients first.